CSS Transitions and Animations Library
inspired by Sarah Drasner's css grid generator and David Ogden's custom animations

What is this?

The purpose of this virtual library, is to provide web developers with an already coded visually appealing style acts for the front-end of projects. ~It is largely inspired by grid generator and custom css animations~

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/
property: value;

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/

transition name

element {
/*rule sets go in here*/
property: value;